葛维墨(1930.1—)浙江平湖人。擅长油画。1953年中央美术学院毕业留校任教。1955年入民克西莫夫油画研究班学习。历任北京电影学院美术系讲师、副教授、教授,中国美术家协会书记处常务书记。作品有《到祖国最需要的地方》、《瑞丽晨雾》等。^_^Ge Weimo(1930- )Graduated from the research class of Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1955 and from research class of Oil Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1963, is an executive director of Chinese Artists’Association,executive director of China Society of Oil Painting and professor of the Art Department of Beijing Film College.(Lot66)